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Ragdoll Cat

Want to Volunteer?

There are so many ways to help! 

In addition to spaying/neutering your own furry pets, consider helping NVHS in one of the capacities below. 

Download our volunteer opportunity list for more information or download and return our volunteer application.


Picutre of Mr. Kitty

NVHS works hard to enable senior citizens to share their homes with lovable feline companions. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities needed for this Special Seniors Program. We are in need of a Senior Care Team Coordinator, Senior Cat Support Volunteers, and Awareness Builders for this program. 

Rebecca's kittens

We assign rescued kittens or cats who are friendly, already well-socialized, and just need time to wait for their forever families to adopt them. Your foster cats need to start out in a separate room in your home. You do not need to integrate foster cats into your animal family, and it is okay if you have other pets. NVHS will pay for veterinary care, but we may need to ask you to transport kitties to the vet for spay/neuter appointments. Foster families are critical to our ability to rescue cats in need. We have an acute shortage of short-term foster homes and need your help.  Please fill out and return our foster application.

Kitten with Green Eyes
Cat Rescue Team

This volunteer opportunity is for experienced cat handlers. Our volunteer Cat Rescue Team members work in the field to rescue and evaluate cats in need. These might be feral cats who need to be TNR’d (trapped, neutered, and released) or they might be friendly, abandoned pets who need to go into our Adoption System.  We have competent, compassionate volunteers willing to train.  This volunteer position involves handling cats with unknown histories, temperaments, and health. It is all about helping cats who need help.

Black & White Cat
Sponsor a Cat

Some of our cats stay in our foster homes for long periods of time. Some have disabilities, some are shy, some are elderly. But they are all loved and cared for by NVHS team members.  We need a team coordinator and volunteers to help raise awareness for these long-term foster cats. 

Some cats just don’t get adopted. Some are old. Some did not have the advantage of living among nice people when they were babies and so they are fearful. Some have medical issues. These cats still need a home and someone to love them. We are very fortunate to have foster homes that care for these cats for whom no one else wants to care. If you cannot adopt, maybe consider sponsoring one of these kitties.

NVHS at Norwood Day
Special Events

If you have a talent for putting on fundraising and awareness events, we need your help. NVHS has several special events for which we need to prepare, and we need to start planning now for our future events. We need help with planning, marketing, and event coordination.

Cat on a bed
Donate Items

NVHS volunteers feed many foster cats as well as feral and neighborhood cats. We are always in need of cat food – canned and dry. Our cats are not fussy but they are hungry. If you are going to donate cat food, please stretch your dollar as far as possible and buy well-priced reasonable quality food.

We can also use:

  • crates for transporting cats to foster homes and vet appointments

  • toys

  • beds

  • treats

  • used clean towels, linens, and blankets

Social Media Icons
Social Media

We would love help raising awareness. We have sponsors and regional events to promote, and we post pictures and stories of our foster cats, strays we’ve found, and our adoption success stories. Familiar with Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and others? We could use your help!

Black and White Cat

Join our mailing list

Thanks for joining our mailing list!

We do not share your info outside our organization. If you prefer to get newsletters by mail, please fill out the contact us form on the right. Please keep in mind that money we don't spend on postage can be used to care for cats. 

Neponset Valley Humane Society
PO Box 544

Norwood, MA, 02062


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© Copyright 2025 Neponset Valley Humane Society

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